One Retro One

One Retro One (2020)

Stephen Ingrand from NRSynth, the creator of the Retro One, asked me several times if I would like to play at home with one of his electronic creations. I accepted his proposition when I felt it was a good moment for me to try to record a whole CD with only one NR Synth synthesizer. Today with the help of computers and programms it is quite easy to play many tracks with only one instrument, even if it is monophonic.

I did the music of this CD with the idea to express, once again, my personal sensitivity, and at the same time, with the idea to show to fans of analog synthesizers, and Berlin School music, the very wide sound possibilities of the monophonic instrument available from NR Synth. The music of this CD has no other ambitious than to share the pleasure I had to play the classic analog sounds offered by the great Retro One synthesizer.

